a visual ux design portfolio | by Meghan Lewis


Treehouse Learning: Paused + Review

All right! I have finished rewriting my notes and started up where I left off.

Uh oh.

I feel lost.


My notes, while thorough, I'm still feeling uncomfortable with functions. So I watched the first video of the functions section again to review. It still didn't feel like I was grasping them nor understanding what they did easily. So back I go to conditional statements, ok this is more familiar. Ah, cool... booleans. I understand their nature. I'm feeling like I am starting to remember things again. The mini-challenges aren't as tough. Everything before this, I understand and can utilize. Everything past this, I am struggling with. It's time for review!

This is fine. I know that since it's been a little while since I last did my lessons, I would lose some knowledge. Even if this knowledge was shaky at best. Reviewing is always a good thing, especially with programming.

This time around, I'm feeling like things are clicking a little bit more. Hopefully when it comes to the larger code challenges (where I write out my own code on the dreaded white screen,) I'll have a better time with it.


In other news, I'm awaiting word on whether I will receive a full scholarship to Flatiron code school. I won't be able to attend if I don't. I will also be taking react.js classes this summer, so I need to buckle down!